Cerebral Palsy Infographic

To make up for missing my scheduled Friday post October 18th, please enjoy this special Wednesday one. Earlier in the year I helped consult on the following cerebral palsy inforgraphic. The infographic creators reached out to me, a sign I’m becoming a respected individual in the cerebral palsy community. 🙂

Please share your thoughts on the inforgraphic by leaving a comment.

Follow Friday on Twitter- October 2013

You may recall last month I decided to start a new monthly tradition on this blog. Every fourth Friday in the given month I will take Twitter’s #FF  to another level, sharing a few individuals in the cerebral palsy/disability community who prove worthwhile to follow.

Nicole Eredics (@Inclusive_Class)

Nicole Eredics hosts the weekly podcast The Inclusive Class, airing at 9:00am EST every Friday. Along with her co-host Terri Mauro (@mamatude) Nicole engages guests to develop insightful discussions about special education. By following @Inclusive_Class you will find the links to each podcast in your Twitter feed.

Disability in Sport (@DisinSport)

Disability in Sport and I connected on Twitter this week. Guess what they like to tweet about? 🙂 Through tweeting positive sports stories involving disabilities Disability in Sport sets an encouraging and uplifting presence, a presence we could all benefit from in our lives.

If You Have a Body (@ifyouhaveabody)

Like Disability in Sport and I, If You Have a Body and I connected on Twitter earlier in the week. Also like Disability in Sport, If You Have a Body spotlights sports. Specifically If You Have a Body shines their metaphorical light on athletes with disabilities. The basic premise standing if you have a body, you possess athletic potential.

Youtube Recommendation- Zach Anner’s Workout Wednesday

The name “Zach Anner” may sound familiar to you. In fact I’ve mentioned him on this blog before, even posting “Personality Profile: Zach Anner.” Anner’s positive mindset and hilarious wit gained him national attention two years ago, leading him to win a travel show on OWN. Well Rollin’ with Zach failed to become a sensation, lasting only one six-episode season.

That cancellation tested Zach Anner’s optimism,  a test he aced without blinking an eye. Anner turned to Youtube, metaphorically calling a redo by producing the travel show he initially envisioned. After Riding Shotgun a creative spark obviously remained within Anner, bringing us to my recommendation today.

Visit Zach Anner’s Youtube channel and watch his latest web series, Workout Wednesday. Heck, let me enable your Internet laziness. Below I embedded my two favorite Workout Wednesday videos to date.

Personally, I believe these videos blend encouragement, humor, and valuable life lessons together perfectly. What do you think? Voice your opinion. Leave a comment here.

Tracking New Year Resolutions: September ’13 Recap

May I speak bluntly? September 2013 roughed me up, or at least I feel beaten. Details follow below in this month’s “Tracking New Year Resolutions” post.

Resolution #1- Utilize My Youtube Channel Via Vlogging
Specific Goal- Vlog Twice a Month
Accomplished? YES

Yes I succeeded in my first goal but entering September’s final week the outlook seemed bleak. I didn’t follow my usual schedule where I posted my first video the month’s second week. Deciding on a topic remained troublesome to the point I experienced difficulty sleeping. Finally in a much needed aha moment a subject came to me, “My Experiences with LinkedIn.”

Thankfully I already knew what to discuss in my second video. I just had to wait for the Cleveland Indians’ regular season to end.

Resolution #2- Post Here on a Weekly Basis
Specific Goal- Post every Friday
Accomplished? YES

Yeah, I know. My month doesn’t appear too bad, right? I accomplished my first two monthly goals. Though, this time around I achieved resolution two due to pre-planning. I wrote September 6th’s post September 1st. Next I scheduled the posting for Friday, September 6th, since I would be out of town then. The “TMR Interview Extras: Susan Goodman” post I wrote in advance too. Therefore, I could let Susan fact check my work without risking my blogging schedule crashing off course.

So reflecting back I realize the lazy feeling I encountered mid-month came from completing two weeks work in a few days. I acknowledge the craziness but breaking from routine plays with your mind, even when you break routine for the better.

Resolution #3- Keep to Due Dates
Specific Goal- Don’t Receive Any Inquiries About ETAs
Accomplished? NO

While I pretty much struggled all year to achieve resolution three to my own satisfaction, September witnessed new lows. To keep to due dates, I require a clear mind. Certain tasks assist me towards reaching said mindset.

First I need to stretch and exercise. Otherwise my muscles tighten too much. Thanks cerebral palsy. 😉 Tight muscles result in my brain focusing on how my body feels, leaving less mind space to concentrate on work. Thus you might imagine minimal stretching and almost no exercise in September created some issues for me.

Maintaining a journal noting my activities throughout each day allows me to effectively manage my time. I abandoned the habit on my early September work vacation to Chicago and I never did resume the habit upon my return.

Empowering myself to succeed at goal three will require I return to frequent stretching, regular exercise, and time management journaling.

What about you?
Is anyone else out there still pursuing his or her 2013 New Year Resolutions? Share an update on your quest by commenting below.