My Role with Handicap This Growing

You may recall from my April post “Joining the Handicap This Team,” Handicap This Productions (HTP) welcomed me aboard to serve as their Guest Blog Coordinator. Today I am thrilled to announce August marks a growing period for my position. To Handicap This blog readers the growth means more posts from guest bloggers plus regular team posts from yours truly.

Handicap This

In early June I enjoyed a nice dinner at Table 45 with Tim Wambach, Mike Berkson, and Denis Berkson (not pictured).

Guest posts will continue to run on Fridays. My Handicap This team posts will go live on the World Wide Web the second Tuesday of each month. I feel by packaging in my posts with Tim Wambach, Mike Berkson, and others on the team, Handicap This becomes an even better cerebral palsy resource. Allow me to explain, just in case that came off egotistical.

One challenge engrained in building an effective cerebral palsy resource involves the vast differences in CP cases. Mike Berkson and I offer a perfect illustration. We both live life with CP but how the condition affects us varies significantly. Surely commonalities exist but why shouldn’t we also acknowledge the differences?

Through using the same blogging platform Mike and I will indirectly accomplish exactly that! Our team posts will not only express similarities but expose differences. I will hit on topics which appeals to others with mild cases. Meanwhile Mike will continue to reach people in the cerebral palsy community dealing with more complex cases.

Heck, even in the similarities differences will emerge. See Mike’s Handicap This team blog post on pain management “Pain Management- 5 Ways to Cope with the Pain.” Now reread my previously published post from here “Relieving Cerebral Palsy Related Pain and Discomfort.” You get two widely different approaches to the same topic.

Add in posts from Tim, Mike’s father Denis, and others (including our guest bloggers). Suddenly you get insights from caregivers, family, and friends too! Basically you get an increasing comprehensive look at cerebral palsy, and other topics. Pretty cool if you ask me!

Do you have a question about Handicap This’ blog? Please contact me at    

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